التنغستن كاربايد نصائح

Solid tungsten carbide tips is a carbide mining tool applicable to the manufacturing of heavy rock drilling machine, slice or column bore bit used for digging hard rock, various gear wheel drilling
bits; it is also applicable to the manufacturing of stone wall in building installation project, concrete drilling bit, it can also be used for crashing aluminum oxide and stone.

 YT15  Suitable for roughing and semi-finishing machining, finish machining of carbon steel and alloy steel continuous

YT14   Suitable for roughing and discontinuous cutting half processing of carbon steel and alloy steel uneven surface

YT5     Suitable for carbon steel and alloy steel uneven and discontinuity of rough machining of cutting

YW1   Sutiable  heat resistant steel, high steel and ordinary steel and cast iron processing

معلومات الصف

درجة ISOكثافةTSRصلابة



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